Deepening the Dialogue will take a short break for the rest of the summer. The event will not take place during the month of August, but will resume after the Labor Day Holiday in September. Enjoy the rest of the warm summer evenings and look for information in the weekly electronic newsletter later nest month. God Bless.
The Circle of Servant Leaders, along with our clergy have listened to our community and have made the decision to move our weekly Eucharistic Gatherings to Sunday evenings at 4:30 PM. Deeping the Dialogue will move to Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. We Plan to continue to offer both in-person and remote Zoom participation of the Sunday Mass and Zoom participation of the Deeping the Dialogue.
Spirit of Hope is happy to announce we will be resuming in-person liturgy beginning this Holy Week. We are also fully committed to continuing online services via a hybrid-mass for those who are more comfortable attending online.