Many of us may scoff at this story….like really…Jesus could tell someone touched him?
Don’t feel bad….even the disciples were like….come on dude…really…who touched me? Like do you not see all these people? I was at a Pink Floyd concert in 1984 at the Metrodome…I know I am dating myself….but I actually remember thinking of this Gospel in that experience…the metrodome at that time if you remember was a very unique venue….only like 6 entrances…wind that would blow your hat off as you approached and the plaza was jammed….wall to wall people…given the events of this last year it makes me shudder.
As we shuffled in…literally packed like sardines…I couldn’t help but think…yeah right…who touched me! And yet...I also have to admit, I don’t know if it is the older I get, or the more I am becoming Intune with energy, the more I can say I understand just a glimpse of what Jesus may have experienced.
Maybe some of you have had similar experiences….you walk into a room or a conversation, and almost immediately you can feel the energy of the room….or the people in the room….it can be debilitating or exhilarating….but make no mistake it is real!! Which leads us to a bit of history and context….in the Ancient Mediterranean world of Jesus….if a person, like the woman in our story was ritually unclean, especially for an extended time, they had to place themselves outside of the community…lepers did the same….
And not only that, but the isolation was from everyone…family, friends, community, associates…everyone that gives a person meaning, purpose and definition. It brings with it the “shame” of being less than…if there is one lesson from this Gospel…and there are many…one is certainly that no one ever needs to be, live in or wallow in shame. For all of us are children of God….we may make poor choices, but we are not bad people…which is what shame is based in…
Here comes one question…who heals our shame today? Who restores us to our rightful place at the table? I believe, when the Christian community is living at it’s best, there is where we can experience the healing of Shame…because as we say…to this table all are welcome…
There is also the temple official Jarius…was it a miracle, did Jesus raise the little girl from the dead? Or did Jesus restore her to herself? Many Scripture Scholars point out, these are two words, preserved in our Sacred Scriptures in the original language of Jesus…in Aramaic…”Talitha koum!” Not just “little girl, get up!” but “little one arise to your place!”
So here comes a second question….when we have lost our way…when we have been at a low point in our life, who has spoken those words into and onto our life? Who has reached out a hand and said…walk with me…come out…you are loved, you are treasured and you are worthy!
Again, when we as a Christian Community are living into our holiness, when we are living our fullness, that is our call…to reach out, to invite, to encourage others in their journey. Our faith is faith of healing and hope, not shame and despair. Maybe the question we ask ourselves is not “who touched me”, but rather “who have we touched” and when we did, did we bring healing?