September 2022 Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting minutes
In attendance Dave Erkens, Dave Lynch, Ingrid Mattsson, Marty Shanahan, Guy Jones
Dave L. made motion to approve last meeting’s minutes, and Dave E. 2nd the motion.
Financial Update- no additional expenses. Budget pretty much on track- which means we are tapping into our reserves.
St Anne’s update- A/ V Platform working through the St. Anne’s process, which takes time.
St Anne’s has agreed with us to include us in their confirmation process.
Still in talks to plan for more blood drives. Stay tuned.
Dave L researching cameras with Pan/Zoom capabilities.
Diocesan Update: New constitution for the new Old Catholic Communion has been sent out to the Diocese. It will be distributed by Marty to the CSL. Need to discuss how/when to distribute to the rest of the community.
Finishing up on the updates to the bylaws. There will be some changes to the election process. Forms will need to be updated and sent out to potential CSL members. Specific dates for submission will be forthcoming soon. Nov 20th is the annual meeting date.
Worship Aids- A “generic” worship aid is in development so we can save on printing costs. Marty shared a “sneak peek” at the booklet for our initial impression.
Social Justice event- TBD. Need to find appropriate event.
There will be a mailer sent out to the community with a save the date for the Fundraiser on Feb 4. A meeting to facilitate planning for the event is planned for end of Sept or Early Oct.
Tom K will do opening prayer, Ingrid will do the closing prayer.
Next Meeting is Oct 20th
Call to Order 7:12
Attending were Marty Shanahan, Ingrid Mattsson, Tom King, Dave Erkens, Melinda Hutchinson, Dave Lynch, Christina Braun, and Guy Jones.
Approval of June Minutes
Dave motioned for approval of the minutes; Tom seconded the motion. The minutes were approved
Financial Update
As of the end of May, we had an unrestricted cash balance (reserve) of $83,000. Does not include some other smaller assets.
The group decided to continue with proposed budget and use part of the reserve fund to mitigate any shortfalls.
There may be a larger increase (than normal) in the rent due to COLA which is what our rent increases were tied to.
Motion made by GUY. Dave E 2nd- vote was taken with one “Nay” vote by Melinda Hutchinson.
St. Anne’s/SOH Meeting update
-We are Looking for a more permanent solution for A/V equipment installation.
-Active shooter follow-up: we are still waiting on report and an expansion of other emergency activities.
Diocesan Update
Had the Synod meeting last Saturday. Old Catholic Community approved new constitution by consensus. It will be sent out to all churches in the Diocese sometime next week.
Meeting Topics
By-Laws Review and approval- Motion made by Dave Lynch to approve changes to the by-laws with the stipulation that we define membership. Voted YES by consensus
Mailing List- still in progress. Ingrid has the mailing list. As of this writing , there are 40 on the mailing list. Christina has a few names to add to the list. Ingrid will put it into a spreadsheet so it can be available to the church staff. Would like to do a postcard to send out before the end of August with calendar and upcoming event schedules.
Mailings and small group discussions-
Calendar for the year-
Wrap-up- Blood drive was a success. Giving enough blood to save 75 lives. Wednesday October 2nd is a date that the Red Cross offered to do another blood drive. We will see what St. Anne’s wants to do.
Opening and closing prayer volunteers for the next meeting
Dave L will do the closing, Tom K will do opening.
Dave Erkens gave the closing prayer.
Meeting adjourned 8:30
Next Meeting September 15, 2022
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 06-18-2022
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Ingrid Mattsson, Tom King, Melinda Hutchinson, Dave Lynch, Guy Jones and Christina Braun
7:04 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Ingrid.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve was made by Guy and seconded by Dave L with the following change: Change reference to Diocese to New Old Catholic communion
Financial Update
Mark V is wishing to retire from the finance team. Mark will help out with a smooth transition which will require some amount of training.
We had budgeted to bring in 55k for this fiscal year, we will come in around 50k at the end of the fiscal year.
Budget proposal should be done by July and submitted to the CSL for review.
Marty made a motion to give $200- half to the charity of Mark’s choosing, and the other half to Mark for a gift card to him. Tom seconded the motion.
Tom will craft a thank you letter to Mark from our community and the CSL.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
Active Shooter Discussion: Met with St. Annes’ and Office Williams from the St. Paul Police Department to develop a plan for active shooter situations.
We will schedule a date for meeting with Officer Williams. We will check with St. Anne’s to see about scheduling.
Tom, Matt and Dave met with St. Anne’s IT specialist to discuss ways to move forward with technology together- improve the internet connection, decide what hardware we can share, a more permanent installation with the camera. Long term goal to build a desk to house the sound equipment and a drop down screen for video.
Meet again next month.
Diocesan Update
No update for the diocese
Guest preacher on June 18 and presider on the 25th
Proposal for our future: Marty gave a presentation on mass scheduling, hybrid and in-person. Lay led service once a quarter with a meal are all possibilities. Move to Sunday evening was also discussed. Starting on Second Sunday in July(10th) for our first Sunday evening mass. Move Deepening The Dialog to Tuesday is probable, Marty will check his calendar for dates which will work best.
Open Discussion
Discussed the creation of a “Mass Booklet” to be put on the website. Also need a tech user manual for hybrid masses
Discussed bringing in Paul Kujawski, who has much experience planning and coordinating events into help us with event planning and coordination. Unfortunately, we were unable to connect with him on Zoom.
Discussed calendar dates for the balance of 2022.
We will need greeters for Sundays- the schedule will be set up by Ingrid for the time being.
Prayers for next meeting
Guy Jones will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Dave Erkens.
Next meeting will be on July 21, 2022.
Closing Prayer
Melinda led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned 8:45
Respectfully submitted,
Guy Jones
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 5-18-2022
In attendance were Ingrid Mattsson, Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Christina Braun, David Lynch, Melinda Hutchinson, and Guy Jones
Meeting was called to order by Ingrid at 7:09pm.
The opening prayer was conducted by Pastor Marty.
Meeting Minutes Approval
First order of business was to approve the minutes from the April Meeting; a motion made by Guy J. and was seconded by Dave E.
Financial Update
We are slightly behind budgeted revenue, there has been some additional expenses due to the procuring of the equipment to maintain our online masses. Overall, we are managing our costs well
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
Dave L.
Audio/video and Internet improvements; Collaborate with St Anne’s technical guy for improved permanent Audio/video setup. St Anne’s Cathy Goldenstein will be looking into improved internet from Comcast Business. In addition, Andy (St Anne’s) will be installing wireless access point to improve internet connectivity in the worship space.
Spring Clean-up; June 4th 9:00-12:00, Clean-up of the St Anne’s outdoors and inside facilities. Bring your own tools and gloves.
Diocesan Update
Marty went to Philadelphia on a working retreat with the other bishops of the new Diocese. Very positive forward-looking meeting.
Meeting Topics
Ideas were presented including, bags to be given out to people in need
For next month, Marty will compile a list of organizations we wish to give to. Each of us will send him
one or two choices to Marty and we will use that to prioritize our charitable giving.
Mailing List update – Dave L.
Greeters at Mass – Ingrid
Ingrid reached out to Joyce to get a current list of the greeters so we can reboot that process.
Technology update – Dave L. has agreed to join the tech team
Quarterly Mailing – Create a small-group effort some have come forward
By-Laws Amendment – Ingrid has started the process and will present us with a draft of the amendment
Liturgical Planning - Marty to update on homilists for the year. Marty is still working on this, and is
Calendar of events discussion –
Sunday evening masses in the summer? How do we schedule our masses to serve all using virtual or in-
person (or both). We will create some scenarios of an “ideal” mass schedule and bring it to the next
Wrap up & Take-Aways: All
Ideal mass schedule
Liturgical Planning
Marty to update on visiting homilists
Can we note Advent dates please? Are they on Thursdays?
Calendar Events
Let’s get things scheduled and on the calendar so we can use social media to broadcast:
Memorial Day – Feast of Ascension – Pizza? Ice cream? Enough people in town?
Summer Community Barbecue – June 11 th (tentative date- depends on St. Anne’s calendar)
Early Fall Community Barbecue – September 10 th ? (Saturday after Labor Day) Possible. TBD.
Any thoughts on a guest speaker to create an event on calendar
“Guess Who is Coming to Dinner” – dinners arranged and people’s homes – Early November (Dave L can
provide more details of how this works)
Annual Meeting – proposed date: Saturday, Nov. 19 (weekend before Thanksgiving)
Social Engagement
Quarterly mailing. Create a small-group effort to oversee this?
I have asked Melinda, Christina, Dawn C, Laurie F and Kathy S to see if they would come
together to do a small group planning exercise.
Brainstorm possible guest speakers or one speaker to come in this year? Possibly 3:00 pm on a
Saturday before Mass? After Mass and before a dinner? Thoughts?
Opening and closing prayer volunteers
Ingrid for the opening and Melinda for the closing.
Next Meeting: June 16, 2022
Closing Prayer – Dave Lynch
Adjournment meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 4-27-2022
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Ingrid Mattsson, Tom King, Melinda Hutchinson, Dave Lynch, Guy Jones and Christina Braun
Meeting was called to order by Ingrid at 7:04pm.
The opening prayer was conducted by Dave Erkins.
Meeting Minutes Approval
Motion made by David Lynch, seconded by Melinda to approve the March minutes with some minor changes:
Financial Update
Update on Diocesan bank account?
We are entitled to 2 special services: one of them is a check deposit machine so we can make deposits remotely. Tom is double checking the numbers prior to submitting the budget to the CSL. Our income is down slightly and our expenses are less also. We are in the black for the first quarter, but that may change as our rent is now over $2400/month. Our rent increases are tied to Social Security COLA, this in the past was not a problem, but given the current situation, the rent increases will be larger than we have been used to.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
Dave L.
Active shooter training and preparation is moving along, the trainer will call Dave back on details on how the program can work.
Diocesan Update – Marty
Father Ron Johnson will be moving along to another diocese.
Meeting Topics
Easter & hybrid services recap / feedback
On Easter morning, we had 37 in person and another dozen or so online.
We would like to approach Holy week 2023 with a more shared experience with At. Annes
Mailing list update – Dave L. will lead this effort to making an effort to verify the information on the list. And possibly reach out to those we haven’t heard from lately. It appears that the list is in pretty good shape.
Hybrid Mass Support – adding greeters back to scheduling
Ingrid will contact Joyce to see if we can get our greeters back. We all agreed that Melia should be included as a greeter.
Website update – Tom (adding lector schedule; need improved Wi-Fi strength; need tech support volunteers; more news to report?) We can now track website usage. In 17 days, we have had 99 people visit our website. 60 users came from organic search, 38 came from directly typing in our web address.
Quarterly Mailing – Create a small-group effort
Kudos to Christina on her Effort on the first quarter post=card mailing. We will need to create a small group to drive the process and find creative ways to accomplish this.
By-Laws Amendment –At the May meeting, new language for the by-laws will be presented by Ingrid.
Liturgical Planning & Events Calendar
By May, we will have three potential guest homilists scheduled. We would like to create ways to make special occasions (baptism, etc.) a great experience for the parishioner. And also bringing back special events- dinners cookouts, etc. on the calendar. Marty reaching out to three potential homilists to schedule in 2022
Marty – do we want to create celebrations around any special days (outside of Lent and Advent) such as Pentecost?
Calendar Events
Let’s get things scheduled and on the calendar so we can use social media to broadcast:
Note guest homilists on calendar
Note Guest speaker to create an event on calendar
Community barbecue – date sometime end of May – July? Community barbecue – September?
“Guess Who is Coming to Dinner” – dinners arranged and people’s homes – Early November
(Dave L can provide more details of how this works)
Advent Series – Dec. 1 – 22 (Thursdays??)
Social Engagement
Quarterly mailing. Create a small-group effort to oversee this? Possible small group: Melinda, Christina, Ingrid, Dawn Caruso? Laurie Fitzer? Others? Create another small group for activities? Bingo, ice cream social, book club, movie night at SOH? Or online only? Thoughts? Jim Hanson?
Brainstorm possible guest speakers or one speaker to come in this year? Possibly 3:00 pm on a Saturday before Mass? After Mass and before a dinner? Thoughts?
Hybrid Feedback
Can you zoom into Fr. Marty during the homily? Can you have Fr. Marty and/or others welcome everyone and join in for the chat before mass starts as we do when it’s all online?
Ingrid – discussion on having Mass happen at the altar (while so few are attending); create a more intimate setting?
Opening and closing prayer volunteers
For the next meeting, Dave Lynch will do the closing prayer Marty will do the opening.
The next meeting is scheduled for May 19, 2022
The closing prayer was conducted by Guy Jones
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Guy Jones
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 3-8-2022
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Fr Marty, Dave Erkens, Ingrid Mattsson, Tom King, Melinda Hutchinson, Dave Lynch and Guy Jones. Christina Braun was absent.
Meeting was called to order by Ingrid at 7:03pm.
The opening prayer was conducted by Ingrid Mattsson.
Meeting Minutes Approval
First order of business was to approve the minutes from the February meeting; a motion made by Dave L and was seconded by Tom.
Financial Update
Tom reported that there were no new numbers yet (still in the first quarter), and a new bank account opened to hold diocese money.
The Finance Team is made up of only two people and has been for some years. In order of provide relief from the burden and allow for continuity of service in the event of an absence, CSL members approved the addition of a third person to the Finance Team.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
Dave L.
At the meeting, there was quite a bit of discussion regarding their Easter Services. St. Anne’s Easter Sunday service will be at 10:30. Spirit of Hope will have Easter services at 8:30 am. We will most likely have a joint Easter Vigil service. Marty will let us know the Holy Week schedule for ST. Anne’s and SOH.
St. Anne’s is looking to rent out their spaces over the summer for family reunions, etc.
St. Anne’s started their in-person services and attendance is increasing.
They are also discussed the possibility of creating a book of reflections about the readings during Lent.
Times/details for St. Anne’s services during Holy week are still being worked out.
Meeting Topics
Discussion around CSL Terms
Terms for members was discussed, with the goal of working back to the original rotation scheme. The current terms for CSL Members are:
CSL Member Term (Starting from this year)
Ingrid Mattsson 2-year term
David Lynch 2-year term
Dave Erkens 1-year term
Melinda Hutchinson 2-year term
Tom King 1-year term
Christina Braun 3-year term
Guy Jones 3-year term
Then starting with elections in 2022, they will all be 3-year terms.
Ash Wednesday Services – feedback
Had over 30 members attend in person & online. There were several cars who also received ashes. It was considered a success by all who were there.
Publishing Lector schedule; prepping for masses
The question was raised: Can we have the list of lectors published on the website? Yes, Tom will talk to Matt to figure out where the schedule can be found.
Review and discussion of the “2 things” list; Christina update
Christina will take on the task of the first quarterly mailing.
Prioritize between “must have” (important and urgent) items, and determine the “over and above” (Important but less urgent/ long term projects) items, limiting the number to two or three.
Initial discussion to set up specialty teams to set up. The teams will include parishioners and a CSL member as a facilitator. The teams could be:
Dinners group
Scheduling outside Speakers
Social Justice team
Liturgy and Music team
Liturgical Planning update from Marty
This is in process, and Marty will continue to work it. Possibility to have other preachers (from other faith traditions) come in to celebrate with us. More discussion to follow.
Populating the calendar of events
We will be receiving a survey regarding spirituality vs religion. Please give the survey out to others as well as filling it out ourselves.
Confidentiality Paperwork – can bring it to church in April
Opening and closing prayer volunteers
For the next meeting, the opening Prayer will be done by Dave Erkens, closing by Guy Jones.
The next meeting is scheduled for April 21, 2022
The closing prayer was conducted by Marty
The meeting was adjourned at 8:11PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Guy Jones
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 2-17-2022
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Fr Marty, Dave Erkens, Ingrid Mattsson, Tom King, Melinda Hutchinson, Dave Lynch, Guy Jones and Christina Braun
Meeting was called to order by Ingrid at 7:02pm.
The opening prayer was conducted by Christina Braun.
Meeting Minutes Approval
The January meeting minutes were approved after the motion for approval was made by Christina, seconded by Tom.
Financial Update
Tom gave the members a quick update on the current financial situation. YTD, we are behind budget by 492.00- which is very close. It was noted that these are raw numbers- money for video equipment cam out of our reserves.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
Dave Lynch met with Joan. Next meeting they will have a new co-chair. St. Anne’s started in-person services last weekend. They have replaced a lot of lighting and Tom reported that the lighting is now much better.
Meeting Topics
In the discussion regarding online vs in-person services the members specifically Ash Wednesday and Easter, Marty committed to creating a plan for timing of services for Ash Wednesday. Some CSL team members will help distribute ashes.
As far as returning to in person church services, the CSL decided a hybrid online/in person service will work for all and will commence on Palm Sunday. Some may want to join ST. Anne’s for Easter vigil. The strategy for restarting services will be updated on all our platforms: website, Facebook, and our newsletter.
The members also reviewed our list of “2 things” to get accomplished in 2022. Some of the items were identified as “must do” priorities for 2022.
The team also got a look at the first draft of the initial liturgical planning document. There will be more discussion in future meeting.
Due a conflict in schedules, the next meeting was moved up to March 9 at 7:00 pm
Closing Prayer was conducted by Melinda Hutchinson
The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Guy Jones
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 1-20-2022
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Dave Erkens, Ingrid Mattsson, Tom King, Melinda Hutchinson, Dave Lynch, Guy Jones and Christina Braun
7:04 pm – Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm and opened with prayer led by Guy.
Meeting Minutes Approval
The motion to approve December Meeting Minutes was made by Guy second by Tom, minutes approved as written.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
Dave L and Ingrid attended St. Anne’s meeting. St. Anne’s has switched to virtual mass.
There was a discussion about getting some active shooter training, there will more discussions regarding that activity and there will be some research that will be done.
There was a discussion with St. Anne’s about replacing the bulbs in the church to improve the lighting. It was noted that St. Anne’s wasn’t aware of our issue because of the time of our service vs the time of their service. They are replacing all the side lights above the windows, but the fixtures were on back order.
Tom offered to help replace the bulbs and we as a group discussed the possibility of getting portable scaffolding(or something like it) to help us reach the bulbs high in the ceiling. We will look into it further and take our recommendations/cost to St. Anne’s- they may have another way of getting it done.
Financial Update
The group decided to continue with the 2022 budget as previously approved.
Meeting Topics
Each Member gave “two things” that they would like to accomplish this year. Prioritizing them and distilling them down to a total of 3-5 things we hope to get accomplished this year will happen during the February Meeting
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Thursday, February 17th, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Prayers for next meeting
Christina Braun will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Melinda Hutchinson.
Closing Prayer
Dave Lynch led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned 8:12 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Guy Jones
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 12-14-2021
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Ingrid Mattsson, Tom King, Melinda Hutchinson, Dave Lynch, Guy Jones and Christina Braun
7:04 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Ingrid.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve November Meeting Minutes was made by Ingrid, second by Tom, minutes approved as written.
Annual Meeting wrap-up
A summary of the Annual Meeting was reviewed and approved for publishing to the website. The minutes will be reviewed and approved at the 2022 annual meeting.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
St Anne’s and SOH leadership continue to meet monthly by Zoom. St Anne’s has finalized their Christmas service schedule allowing our Masses to go as planned. Christmas eve at 6PM and Christmas day at 9AM.
Financial Update
Tom provided a brief update on the first half of the fiscal year results. The final report will be shared with the CSL after Dec 31st. We are very close to being right on our forecast and approved budget. The CSL unanimously agreed to use the created QR code in printed communications, worship aids and incorporate into the website and Facebook page.
Election of officers for 2022
The CSL elected the following members to office for the 2022 calendar year.
Chairperson is Ingrid Mattsson, Vice Chairperson is Dave Lynch, Secretary is Guy Jones and Treasurer is Tom King. The term of these positions is January 01, 2022 to December 31, 2022. All members will print and sign a confidentiality agreement and return to the church office in the coming weeks.
Recording / updating Video equipment
Work continues on improving and refining the quality of our hybrid video mass presentations. We have identified that dim lighting is at least one cause of poor video quality, so Tom will research and reach out to St Anne’s to hopefully come to a solution on this. Once Matt has finalized the purchases for the new equipment, he will provide a bill for reimbursement.
Meeting Schedule
The CSL decided to set the 3rd Thursday of each month for the CSL meetings. This is subject to change if necessary. The meetings will be held via Zoom for the near future and this body will revisit the possibility of live in person or hybrid style for meetings in the spring
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Thursday, January 20th, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Prayers for next meeting
Guy Jones will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Dave Lynch.
Closing Prayer
Tom led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned 8:34
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
The Annual meeting of Spirit of Hope community was held by Zoom video conference from 3-4 PM on Saturday November 21, 2020. There were representatives from approximately 12 households present.
The meeting was scheduled for approximately 1 hour with a planned 30 minute presentation and 30 minutes for community input / questions.
Dave Erkens opened the meeting with a welcome and an explaination as to why there was not a new open election for CSL members this year. The current by-laws require an in person written secret ballot for the CSL elections. The current CSL members were asked to remain in place for another year and an invitation was advanced for anyone interested in joining to fill the vacant spot. Dave request the attendees to self mute their microphones and to hold questions until the end of the presentation.
Ingrid Mattson presented the community with the CSL approved PowerPoint slides covering a wide range of topic. Several other CSL members gave brief updates on some areas they were more familiar with. The presentation portion of the meeting ended at 3:35 and the remainder of the meeting was open to questions and comments by the attendees.
The following is an overview of the comments and questions;
Cassie; offered thanks to all that have served throughout the year.
Dawn; asked for clarification of the new online donation link, wanted to know if current Vanco donations would be affected? Answer, The new online donation link will be in addition to the existing Vanco donation system. The link allows members or guest an easy one time or recurring way to donate to our community. The link will be added to the website, weekly newsletter and other social media sites we have.
Matt; Asked if there was specific criteria in place Spirit of Hope will use to begin in person worship as the pandemic eases? Answer, Yes, along with St Anne’s there is specific guidance in place that will be communicated to the community in the future as in person worship comes closer to returning.
Kelly; really enjoys the online worship as it allows folks that are geographically separated to still participate. Would like to see increased social media presence. Would also like to see improvements to our website.
Christina; Asked for more information about the AM transmitter available in the church parking lot. Answer, Marty gave an overview of the plans for Advent and the possibilities we are exploring for future gatherings.
Roger / Jim; Would like to see our leadership attempt to reach out to members who do not have computer or Zoom access. They are being left out of most of our efforts these days.
Mary; Was meeting with someone who might be able to offer support for or website improvement project. The CSL would welcome any help in finding some IT support. We have been road blocked in attempting to get a contract with an IT firm to help with website update and maintenance
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes.11-17-2021
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:02 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Dave.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve October Meeting Minutes was made by Ingrid, second by Dave, minutes approved as written.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
St Anne’s and SOH leadership continue to meet monthly by Zoom. At the November meeting we were made aware of St Anne’s Christmas service schedule, which will allow the CSL to decide on the Holiday schedule for SOH. St Anne’s requested we make our Advent candle wreath available for both churches to use during the Advent season. The worship space has been set up to provide for adequate distancing of participants. We will continue in-person Mass regularly during advent beginning Saturday November 27th and beyond. All in-person Masses will be broadcast via zoom to include anyone out of the area or not able to attend in-person worship.
Financial Update
We will be able to modify our budget slightly because there was no cost incurred to our church for the annual conference. These budgeted monies will be switched over to offset the expenses we will have to improve our online quality for Mass.
Annual Meeting
The CSL finalized the 15-minute presentation for the annual meeting. We will allow time for member comments. The election process for the CSL for 2022 will take place during the Mass service. There are currently 7 members of the community willing to serve on the CSL for 2022. Voting for these new positions will be held according to the church bylaws at Mass on November 20th and the results will be announced at the annual meeting. We will have coffee and cake following the Annual meeting.
Recording / updating Video equipment
Matt Braun has purchased some new equipment and continues to work to improve the quality of the Video and Audio for our online Mass participation. He will submit receipts for expenses when he has completed all purchases.
Meeting Schedule
The CSL has scheduled a ZOOM introduction “meet and greet” for the new CSL members for Wednesday December 8, 2021 at 7PM. This is an informal group chat to get everyone familiar and answer questions before the first official meeting with the new members.
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Prayers for next meeting
Ingrid will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Tom.
Closing Prayer
Marty led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned 8:54
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 10-21-2021
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:04 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Ingrid.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve September Meeting Minutes was made by Ingrid, second by Dave, minutes approved as written.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
St Anne’s continues to hold services outside and will move inside for Sunday Worship beginning 01 November 2021. They will be arranging the worship space to provide for adequate distancing of participants. The CSL reviewed our in-person Mass plan and finalized the following schedule. The remaining October Masses will be only on-line. We will gather for in-person Mass indoors on Saturday November 6th and Saturday November 20th. These are the last two Sundays of ordinary time. We will continue in-person Mass regularly during advent beginning Saturday November 27th and beyond. All in-person Masses will be broadcast via zoom to include anyone out of the area or not able to attend in-person worship.
Financial Update
The first quarter final budget results were distributed by email earlier in October. There was no additional comments or discussion on the quarterly results.
Annual Meeting
The Spirit of Hope Annual meeting is scheduled for November 20th after 5PM Mass from 5:45-6:15. The CSL will prepare a 15-minute presentation and allow the additional time for member comments / questions and to finalize the election process for the CSL. Nominations for new CSL members will be accepted any time up to November 20, 2021. Voting for these new positions will be held according to the church bylaws at all Masses from November 6th through November 20th and the results will be announced at the annual meeting. The annual meeting will be advertised on the weekly email newsletter, the website and Facebook. We will have coffee and cake following the Annual meeting.
Recording / updating Video equipment
Matt Braun and Tom King will be working on updating the video recording equipment to improve the quality of our on-line broadcast of the weekly Mass. The CSL is committed to improving and keeping the on-line broadcasting and recording of the weekly Mass.
The CSL approved expenses up to $1000 for the purchase of this new equipment. The hope is to use as much existing equipment as possible.
Meeting Schedule
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Prayers for next meeting
Dave will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Marty.
Closing Prayer
Tom led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned 8:22
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 9-16-2021
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:06 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Dave.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve August Meeting Minutes was made by Ingrid Marty, second by Marty, minutes approved as written.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
St Anne’s continues to hold services outside and has not established a date to move inside. The CSL has decided to have one more outdoor service on October 8th and is looking to start indoor worship on October 30th. This will be reviewed at the October CSL meeting to determine if the Pandemic risk has gone down to an acceptable level.
Financial Update
The first quarter preliminary budget results look very good. (1st quarter ends on Sept 30th). Tom will send out the final 1st quarter report prior to the October CSL meeting.
Moving Forward discussion
The Spirit of Hope Annual meeting will be scheduled for November 20th after 5PM Mass. Nominations for new CSL members will be accepted any time up to October 30, 2021. Voting for these new positions will be held according to the church bylaws at all Masses from October 30th through November 20th and the results will be announced at the annual meeting. These dates will be discussed and finalized at the October meeting.
New Business
Website; Tom shared that the website should be ready for launch before the end of the month.
We need new wheels on the TV stand cart to transport it. Tom will take on this task.
We need new updated video equipment to advance the quality of our online Masses. Tom will be working with Matt once the website launches and bring the CSL purchase request by the October meeting
Meeting Schedule
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Prayers for next meeting
Ingrid will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Tom.
Closing Prayer
Marty led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned 8:13
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 8-19-2021
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:08 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Sheila.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve July Meeting Minutes was made by Ingrid Marty, second by Dave, minutes approved as written.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
St Anne’s is holding services outside but we have returned to only on-line because of August’s Saturday night’s extreme heat and humidity. On-line participation has been overall very good and we are still tweaking the technology so everyone is being heard—especially the prayers of the faithful. Aug 13th joint blood drive was very successful! Twenty pints were expected; 28 actually donated. Thank you to all the volunteers!
Financial Update
Rent: St Annes has agreed to the reduced rent for 3 months because we are not allowed to use indoor spaces. Proposed budget (attached) uses realistic income expectations and a few assumptions based on eventually returning to in-person services. It includes a raise for the senior pastor and moves website funds from “general” to “designated”. Donations continue to come in by check and on-line. Motion to approve budget by Tom; seconded by Sheila; motion caried.
Small Group Updates
Website; Update coming along, slow process. A few details (i.e., how long to keep historical information) are being worked out but site draft link will go to CSL to play with before final implementation, hopefully by end of September. Sheenomo will make any changes we want.
Liturgy; Moving forward on having more voices at the table with Kathy and Cassie presenting the homilies.
Community Engagement; We have had some great ideas presented but most are based on personal re-engagement. They are still possible but not until we are able to get together again.
New Business
Effective tonight, Sheila is resigning to care for a family member with dementia. We wish her the best and will keep her and her family in our prayers.
Meeting Schedule
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Thursday, Sept 16th, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Prayers for next meeting
Tom will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Ingrid.
Closing Prayer
Marty led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheila Laughton
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 7-15-2021
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, and Tom King. Ingrid Mattsson was not able to attend
7:09 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Rev Marty.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve June Meeting Minutes was made by Marty Shanahan, second by Dave Erkens, minutes accepted.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
The next regular scheduled meeting with St Anne’s and Spirit of Hope is Tuesday July 20th, 2021. The CSL has given Marty and Dave some questions to get clarification about using the worship space. We will get an update next month.
Financial Update
Tom went over the year end results provided by Mark and will prepare a budget for the 2021/2022 fiscal year. This will be emailed and edited by email prior to the next CSL meeting.
Community Engagement
The CSL decided to move forward with the Ice Cream social plans to be after Mass on July 17th. Kathy Shanahan has agreed to purchase the Ice Cream Treats.
New Business
The CSL discussed the final wording for a communication response protocol. Dave will finalize the editing and we should have this resolved in August.
There will be a blood drive by the Red Cross and coordinated by Ingrid in the church parking lot on August 13th. Time is tentative of 11AM-5PM. Volunteers will be needed and will be communicated by the weekly newsletter.
The CSL discussed and decided due to budget, we will coordinate with LouLou to play piano twice per month through the end of the year as that looks like all we can afford.
Meeting Schedule
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Thursday, August 19th, 2021 at 7:00 PM. Tom has a conflict and most likely will be unable to attend.
Prayers for next meeting
Sheila will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Ingrid.
Closing Prayer
Dave led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 6-23-2021
This meeting was rescheduled from June 17th to June 23rd by unanimous email consent due to some scheduling conflicts.
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:04 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Tom King.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve May Meeting Minutes was made by Ingrid Mattsson, second by Sheila Laughton, minutes accepted.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
St Anne’s and the Episcopal Diocese has granted permission to begin having outdoor Mass services in-person. The CSL has decided to have our first in person Mass on Saturday July 17th at 5PM. The details of the Mass will be communicated to the community via our weekly newsletter. Any decision to not have outdoor in-person Mass will be made and communicated by the newsletter on Thursdays. Ingrid will coordinate the needed details with a small group to get this Mass to happen. Marty and Tom with work with Jon from St Anne’s on the technology side to ensure we have quality internet. The Mass will be available for in-person and Zoom participation. The CSL will communicate by phone and email as needed to coordinate this.
Financial Update
Tom provided an update on the financial results for the fiscal year which will end on June 30th as well as the last half of the year. The CSL will request an extension of the agreed lease amount reduction for three more months.
Mini workshop
Marty led a small workshop on his vision of what it will take to keep our community intact and vibrant through the next decade. After some refinement and future discussion with this group it will be shared with the community at a later date.
New Business
The CSL will work on wording for a communication response protocol and finalize it if needed at the next meeting
There will be a blood drive by the Red Cross and coordinated by Ingrid in the church parking lot on August 13th. Time is tentative of 11AM-5PM. Volunteers will be needed and will be communicated by the weekly newsletter.
Marty will communicate with Lou Lou to have her ready to play for Mass on July 17th.
Meeting Schedule
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Thursday, July 15th, 2021 at 7:00 PM. Ingrid has a conflict and most likely will be unable to attend.
Prayers for next meeting
Fr Marty will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Dave.
Closing Prayer
Sheila led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 5-20-2021
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:07 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Fr Marty.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve April Meeting Minutes was made by Ingrid Mattsson, second by Dave Erkens, minutes accepted.
Financial Update
The team reviewed up to date financial results that were provided from the finance team. Tom answered questions.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
The last joint meeting of St Anne’s and Spirit of Hope leadership was on Tuesday June 18th. The Episcopal Bishop provided guidelines that must be followed to allow in-person worship on the church grounds. All the protocol is expected to be in place to allow in-person worship in the next 4-6 weeks. The CSL decided to target July 10th as the first in-person Mass for SOH. There will be significant communication and advertisement of this Mass
2021 Small Group Update
Ingrid shared the results of the May 15th meeting of the small groups. Much progress has been made by all teams. Now that the planning phase is nearing completion, the CSL is looking for a date to have a community volunteer meeting. It was suggested that this take place immediately after a Saturday Mass. More to follow.
New Business
The team had a discussion of the defined role of the CSL. Since many of the other volunteer groups have dissolved, the CSL has had to take on many additional tasks. The desire is to narrow the responsibility and commitment of the CSL members so as to be able to attract other community members to volunteer for these positions in the future. More discussion to follow.
Meeting Schedule
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on June 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM. It was also discussed and agreed that CSL meeting will continue by Zoom until at least the September 2021 meeting.
Prayers for next meeting
Tom will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Sheila.
Closing Prayer
Ingrid led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 8:26 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 4-15-2021
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:09 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Tom King.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve March Meeting Minutes was made by Dave Erkens, second by Sheila Laughton, minutes accepted.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
No immediate change to report on building use. St Anne’s and SOH have formed a working group to prepare a protocol to present to the Episcopal Diocese for our join reopening and outdoor worship plans. There is hope that if the plan is accepted, we may be able to have outdoor in person worship by Memorial Day weekend. Part of the plan will include weather cancelation policy. St Anne’s is planning to beef up the onsite Wi-Fi along with a more robust router to allow for sufficient Wi-Fi connectivity outside.
Financial Update
The team reviewed the 3rd quarter financial results that were forwarded from the finance team. Tom also shared the mid-April monthly results.
2021 Small Group Update
The CSL received updates from the three small volunteer groups. All groups have had meetings and are progressing with their tasks. There may be a change to the May 15, 2021 meeting. Ingrid will communicate to all the groups if a change is needed.
Meeting Schedule
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM.
Prayers for next meeting
Fr Marty will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Ingrid.
Closing Prayer
Dave led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 3-18-2021
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:05 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Fr Marty.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve February Meeting Minutes was made by Ingrid Mattsson, second by Sheila Laughton, minutes accepted.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
No immediate change to report on building use. Discussions with St Anne’s has begun with regards to in person worship and using the building again. No decision has been made at this time. Possible, first in person allowable worship may be using the outdoor worship area. There will likely be capacity restrictions and mandates to wear face masks even in the outdoor space. We are hopeful to have a date by the April meeting to begin the planning process for the return to live, in person Mass.
Website Team
Tom gave an update on the progress of the website design. The team has been assembled and is able to access the current website for updates. We should meet within the next week or so to get the ball rolling with the new website design.
Financial Update
Tom shared the up to date fiscal quarter results. Our financial performance is much better now that we have reduced rent. Hopefully we will see increased revenue when we can return to in- person Mass.
2021 Small Group Planning
Ingrid reviewed the progress that has been made in forming the 3 small groups of volunteers. Website/Social Media group, Community Engagement group and Liturgical group. The groups will be asked to hold meetings and work together from March 22 to April 26. Each group will be asked to join a meeting on Saturday May 15th from 9:00 – 10:30 AM to detail accomplishments and plans.
SOH By-Law change
Dave and Ingrid will research and report to the CSL the requirements that need to be met to change the CSL member voting By-Laws during the April meeting. The current By-laws only allow for in-person voting to get new CSL members, which did not work during our year of Zoom virtual meetings. The CSL believes the best interest would be served by allowing other types of voting than just in-person.
Sensitive and important topics were handled by mail with Holy Presence during the past month. Each CSL member will receive electronic copies of all letters that were sent so they can be retained if questions are asked in the future.
Meeting Schedule
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM.
Prayers for next meeting
Tom will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Dave.
Closing Prayer
Sheila led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 8:01 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 2-18-2021
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:08 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Dave.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve January Meeting Minutes was made by Ingrid Mattsson, second by Sheila Laughton minutes accepted.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
No change to report on building use. Stations of the Cross will be aired on YouTube on Fridays beginning Friday February 26, 2021 from 3-9PM. Written transcripts will be available in the large bin by the back door.
The church Tracx data has been retrieved and Marty is working on getting final copies both in print and digitally to the CSL in the coming weeks.
SOH By-Law change – Voting
The CSL discussed and agreed that there needs to be a permanent change to the By-Laws in regards to the annual meeting and voting for CSL members. The current system does not work in a virtual meeting world and needs to be updated. The actual changes will be discussed at a future meeting and put in place before the next annual meeting.
Website redesign – Sheenemo
Ingrid has secured the help of the IT firm Sheenomo to help with the website design. A committee of three community members will be tasked with working with this company to redesign our website. We hope the scope and length of this project will be 2-3 months.
2021 Small Group Planning
Ingrid proposed and the CSL discussed forming 3 small groups of volunteers for the following projects to navigate SOH during this calendar year; Website/Social Media group, Community Engagement group and Liturgical group. The responsibilities of each group were discussed and several names of members were discussed about being asked to volunteer to help. Discussion and progress on this will be ongoing during 2021.
New Business
There was discussion about our [email protected] email account. Marty has agreed to research where this is being routed presently and we will review and make steps to get this functioning in the near future.
Discussion took place on the subject of the continued payments to LouLou for music. This topic will be revisited at the March meeting when the next quarter financial results are available.
Meeting Schedule
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM.
Prayers for next meeting
Marty will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Sheila.
Closing Prayer
Tom led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 8:19 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 01-21-2021
In attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King. Sheila Laughton was absent.
7:05 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Ingrid.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve December Meeting Minutes was made by Dave Erkens, second by Ingrid Mattsson. Minutes accepted.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
No change to report on building use. The two churches had the bi-monthly meeting this week and ideas were discussed to use the church radio station for Lenten prayer reflection. The CSL discussed several addition ideas that will be brought forward to St Anne’s at the next meeting. Ideas for Lent also included possible ash distribution by individual containers and decorations of the grounds for the Lent and Easter seasons. Any final programs will be shared on the weekly newsletter and the website.
The new lease has been executed by all parties and a hard copy has been filed in the church office safe. All CSL members and Mark VandenHuevel have electronic copies.
Finance Update
Tom gave an overview of our first have fiscal year results. Because of COVID and remote gathering, our income from donations is down approximately 25%. The out look for the second half is more positive with a lease payment reduction and staff reduction, Tom is optimistic that our community may be able to break even for the rest of the fiscal year.
Support Staff Update
Since Andrea Dennis resigned as of December 31,2020 all her administrative access has been terminated. Volunteers have taken over the tasks of uploading videos and minutes to the website. We have recruited a volunteer to transcribe membership data from the paid resource to an excel spreadsheet. There are no outstanding bills from Andrea.
Community outreach discussion
The CSL has set a goal to update and use the contact data for our community to reach out and make personal contact with each member of our church by the end of March 2021.
The CSL reviewed options available from Sheenomo website company and decided to move forward with paid IT help to redesign our website. We will set up an additional website design Zoom meeting to discuss vision and creative ideas and include any volunteers that are willing to help with this project.
New Business
Marty gave a brief update on the National Assembly meeting held on January 16, 2021. There were approximately 150 in attendance which is the largest audience ever for this annual event. Marty will be working on getting the video recording of his keynote address uploaded to our website.
Meeting Schedule
The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM.
Prayers for next meeting
Opening prayers for February – Dave will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Tom.
Closing Prayer
Marty led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 8:17 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 12-17-2020
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:02 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Dave.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve November Meeting Minutes was made by Ingrid Mattsson, second by Dave Erkens. Minutes accepted.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
No change to report on building use. Outside decorations have received great reviews. Had one input to have the signage for the radio station and advent handouts in a more visible location. St Anne’s Christmas service will be on 12/24 at 4:30 PM in the parking lot. They will also broadcast live on face book and have a 22ft screen for viewing on the grounds.
Tom gave an update on the lease negotiations and there was follow-on discussion about a few financial matters. No significant decisions were made.
Plans for our Christmas services
Two zoom masses are planned for 12/24 at 5PM and 12/25 at 9AM. Details will be shared on the weekly newsletter as well as the website.
We will hold a “parking lot” service on Saturday 12/26 at 5PM. Plans are being worked out but we expect to broadcast on the radio station as well as zoom. Again, details will be shared by our electronic newsletter and website.
Todd Feske, Walking with a purpose
Todd spent 15 minutes giving the CSL an overview of what he and his organization do for the homeless. The CSL took notes and were impressed with how much Todd and his people do. We will explore ways to support Todd’s organization in the future. The immediate need at this time is specific items to help the homeless through the cold winter. Items needed are; thermal underwear, winter boots, snow pants, gloves, and candles without glass. Please no blankets at this time.
Advent Series
We reviewed the feedback from the 3 week advent series on Sunday nights and plan to use that to improve what we create and do for a Lenten series.
National Assembly of the Old Catholic Church
COVID will actually have a positive effect on this meeting as all will be welcome to attend virtually. Marty will be the Keynote speaker. The date is January 16, 2021 and the meeting will conclude with all attendees being invited to join Spirit of Hope for our weekly Saturday Zoom Liturgy. Details will be provided by electronic newsletter as well as the website.
New Business
There was no new business to discuss this month.
Meeting Schedule
The CSL will continue to meet each month in 2021 on the 3rd Thursday of the month. The next CSL meeting is scheduled to be on Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 7:00 PM.
Prayers for next meeting
Opening prayers for December – Ingrid will offer an opening prayer and the closing prayer will be offered by Marty.
Closing Prayer
Tom led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope Annual Meeting Minutes. 11-21-2020
The Annual meeting of Spirit of Hope community was held by Zoom video conference from 3-4 PM on Saturday November 21, 2020. There were representatives from approximately 12 households present.
The meeting was scheduled for approximately 1 hour with a planned 30 minute presentation and 30 minutes for community input / questions.
Dave Erkens opened the meeting with a welcome and an explaination as to why there was not a new open election for CSL members this year. The current by-laws require an in person written secret ballot for the CSL elections. The current CSL members were asked to remain in place for another year and an invitation was advanced for anyone interested in joining to fill the vacant spot. Dave request the attendees to self mute their microphones and to hold questions until the end of the presentation.
Ingrid Mattson presented the community with the CSL approved PowerPoint slides covering a wide range of topic. Several other CSL members gave brief updates on some areas they were more familiar with. The presentation portion of the meeting ended at 3:35 and the remainder of the meeting was open to questions and comments by the attendees.
The following is an overview of the comments and questions;
Cassie; offered thanks to all that have served throughout the year.
Dawn; asked for clarification of the new online donation link, wanted to know if current Vanco donations would be affected? Answer, The new online donation link will be in addition to the existing Vanco donation system. The link allows members or guest an easy one time or recurring way to donate to our community. The link will be added to the website, weekly newsletter and other social media sites we have.
Matt; Asked if there was specific criteria in place Spirit of Hope will use to begin in person worship as the pandemic eases? Answer, Yes, along with St Anne’s there is specific guidance in place that will be communicated to the community in the future as in person worship comes closer to returning.
Kelly; really enjoys the online worship as it allows folks that are geographically separated to still participate. Would like to see increased social media presence. Would also like to see improvements to our website.
Christina; Asked for more information about the AM transmitter available in the church parking lot. Answer, Marty gave an overview of the plans for Advent and the possibilities we are exploring for future gatherings.
Roger / Jim; Would like to see our leadership attempt to reach out to members who do not have computer or Zoom access. They are being left out of most of our efforts these days.
Mary; Was meeting with someone who might be able to offer support for or website improvement project. The CSL would welcome any help in finding some IT support. We have been road blocked in attempting to get a contract with an IT firm to help with website update and maintenance
Respectfully submitted
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 11-19-2020
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:02 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Sheila.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve corrected October Meeting Minutes was made by Ingrid Mattsson, second by Dave Erkens. Minutes accepted.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
St Anne’s received a bid to put up Christmas lights and decorations that was too excessive for either church’s budget. The grounds have had lights put up by volunteers and are ready for the season. There is also a Christmas ornament exchange, Advent wreath created by Marty and worship aids along with devotions and music being broadcast on the AM radio transmitter AM1200.
Budget Update
The current financials show a 33% decrease in revenue through November 2020. Tom has finalized the donation link for online donations and will forward it for inclusion on our website and the weekly electronic newsletter.
Building lease with St Anne’s
Tom and Mark have reached out to the finance team at St Anne’s to restart lease negotiations. No scheduled meetings to report at this time. Waiting to hear back from St Anne’s team.
Final business relations with Rev Colleen
We are waiting on a final decision for the date of the installation for Rev Colleen at Holy Presence. The November date has been postponed.
We will have a three week Advent devotional series on Thursday evenings beginning December 3, 2020. Details will be shared on the weekly newsletter and website.
Annual Meeting
The team reviewed, amended and approved the presentation for the annual meeting to be held this Saturday November 21, 2020.
New Business
Friends of Spirit of Hope. During this pandemic, we continue to look for ways to expand our reach and connect with people who wish to be involved with our community, but not necessarily as full participating members. To that end we are looking at forming a data base list of folks who would be added to our “Friends of Spirit of Hope”. The details are yet to be finalized. More dialogue and decisions will be made in the future.
Meeting Schedule
Next CSL meeting was scheduled to be on Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM.
Prayers for next meeting
Opening prayers for December – Dave and closing prayer will be offered by Tom.
Closing Prayer
Marty led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 10-21-2020
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:19 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Ingrid Mattsson. The meeting was delayed slightly due to remote access issues with Zoom.
Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve September Meeting Minutes was made by Tom King, second by Dave Erkens. Minutes accepted.
St. Anne’s / SOH Update
St Anne’s is getting bids to have outside Christmas decorations put on the church grounds. The CSL is in favor of this concept and approved offering some financial help once a bid is accepted and a contractor has done the work. The amount of contribution will be finalized during the November meeting.
There is planning started for possible weekly Advent drive through services. Details should be final by the November meeting and communication will be through the weekly newsletter and the website.
Budget Update
A thorough review of the first quarter was conducted. The overall budget performance shows a small deficit for the quarter. The consensus is that the CSL expects the second quarter to be worse due to several factors including; mail theft issue, change of mailing address and the creation of the Holy Presence community. More budgetary cuts may become necessary in the future if the income drops more than it already has.
Tom was tasked with exploring ways to get a donation link on our website and weekly newsletter.
Building lease with St Anne’s
The current lease expires on March 31, 2021. Due to the Covid Pandemic all negotiations have been on hold for many months. The CSL has directed the finance team to reengage with St Anne’s finance team to complete the negotiations for a new lease. Confidential direction was given for lease terms and conditions. Details will be provided once a new lease is secured.
Final business relations with Rev Colleen
The CSL unanimously decided on the following business issues with regards to Rev Colleen’s departure from Spirit of Hope to form Holy Presence Church.
Monthly Housing allowance will continue for November and December 2020.
$150 will be offered to pay for the first year of a Zoom business account.
Rev Colleen will be offered the opportunity to keep a newly purchased laptop computer.
The $500 that Spirit of Hope has for the Estelle Meurer Moloney Endowment for Education will be offered to be transferred to Holy Presence for Rev Colleen to administer this fund.
Social Justice
A food drive is being researched to be done with St Anne’s during Advent. Details to follow.
Marty has scheduled the director of Walking with a purpose to join us and present at the December CSL meeting
Pray Chain and Circle of Care Team. Fr Marty will reach out to previous members of these teams and try to encourage some members to pick up and continue these two worthy groups in our community. The leaders of both these groups left Spirit of Hope to join Holy Presence.
Website Update
Ingrid will be contacting and setting up a contract with Sheenomo to help with our website redesign. Once she has a contact for the IT expert she will be looking to hand off the actual redesign to Matt Braun who has offered to help with this project.
MAT Update
Ingrid shared that last week’s MAT team was only attended by a few new folks who agreed to begin participating with Ingrid to keep the spirit and intent of the Ministry Action team alive. The close in focus was discussion around planning the annual church meeting to please the majority of feedback that has been received.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting for Spirit of Hope will take place on Saturday November 21, 2020 from 3-4 PM by Zoom. This meeting will be a participation type event rather than a presentation. All will be invited to join and share input with the church leadership for future direction of our church community. Information about the meeting will be communicated by the weekly newsletter, website and emails.
Meeting Schedule
Next CSL meeting was scheduled to be on Thursday, Nov 19th, 2020 at 7:00 PM.
Prayers for next meeting
Opening prayers for November – Sheila and closing prayer will be offered by Fr Marty.
Closing Prayer
Dave led the group in the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 8-20-2020
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson and Tom King
7:04 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Dave Erkens.
Meeting Minutes;
Motion to approve July Meeting Minutes by Sheila Laughton. Second by Ingrid Mattsson. Minutes accepted.
CSL Membership Changes;
Due to health and personal family matters, Joyce St John has taken a leave from Spirit of Hope commitments. Our prayers and thoughts are with Joyce during this time and the CSL will look for ways to support Joyce and Betty. A calendar will be created to provide meals every Monday and Thursday beginning August 31, 2020. We will ask Andrea to create and update a calendar for people to sign up.
Online Church Service protocol;
The team reviewed and accepted an outline for Mass protocol going forward. The first weekend Mass of each month will be a full liturgy with Eucharist. The team will conduct a survey to see if Saturday evening or Sunday morning Mass is preferred by the Spirit of Hope community.
Update / discussion on Covid-19 topics related to our church;
There are no changes to report with regards to use of the building and worship space.
Dave and Ingrid continue to meet with St Anne’s leadership to discuss and plan for use of the building and church grounds. Prayer rocks, side walk chalk and a prayer chain are available now. More personal prayer aids are in the works.
Opportunity to expand the Diocese;
The group had a short discussion led by Marty on ways to expand this Old Catholic Diocese. More discussion and details will be available as plans are finalized.
MAT Update;
A collection for Joseph Coat is being planned in honor of Joyce, more details will follow. A “favorite hat” Ice cream social by Zoom is scheduled for Saturday August 29thfollowing the Zoom 5PM Mass. Other activities in planning are a possible Mass in your car at the church parking lot, food collection for homeless in St Paul, a speaker from the Immigration Law Center and a blessing of the Animals. More dates and details to follow when dates are finalized.
Meeting Schedule;
Next CSL meeting will be held by ZOOM on Thursday Sept 17th at 7:00 PM. Tom will be unavailable and Ingrid agreed to scribe the minutes in his absence.
Prayers for next meeting;
Sheila agreed to conduct the opening prayer and Marty the closing prayer for our September meeting.
Closing Prayer;
Ingrid led the group in closing prayer and meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 7-16-2020
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson, Tom King and Joyce St. John
6:30 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Tom King.
Meeting Minutes;
Motion to approve June Meeting Minutes by Ingrid Mattsson. Second by Joyce St John. Minutes accepted.
Update / discussion on Covid-19 topics related to our church;
There are no changes to report with regards to use of the building and worship space.
Dave and Ingrid met with St Anne’s leadership to discuss and develop plan for a walking prayer path on the church grounds. Plans include prayer stations, prayer rocks and a prayer string. This space will be publicized when it is ready and will be available to the public.
2020/2021 Budget;
Motion to approve the budget by Sheila Laughton and second by Joyce St John. CSL members unanimously approved the 2020/2021 budget.
Website Help;
A big change in direction took place since the last meeting. Marty has had contact with a large IT company that specializes in Catholic community websites and there is a project underway for all Old Catholic diocese to solicit help for this which could significantly reduce our cost and deliver a better product. Marty has taken the lead in setting up the contact info. More to follow.
Dave and Ingrid discussed wanting to explore adding a ministry position of Zoom IT member. We will look to have a job description next month and discuss implementation.
MAT Update;
June 19th will be a Zoom Pizza night from 6:30 to 7:30. July 18th will be Zoom Bingo from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Prizes will be $5 DQ gift cards. Approval was granted to reimburse Joyce for an additional $25 worth of gift cards. A “Fun Hat” Zoom gathering is planned for August. No firm date at this time.
Survey Results;
Ingrid will compile the survey results for distribution to the community. Biggest take was that Eucharist is highly requested and desired.
Meeting Schedule;
Next CSL meeting will be held by ZOOM on Thursday Aug 20th at 6:30PM.
Prayers for next meeting;
Joyce agreed to conduct the opening prayer and Ingrid the closing prayer for our August meeting.
Closing Prayer;
Sheila led the group in closing prayer and meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 6-18-2020
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson, Tom King and Joyce St. John
6:55 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Ingrid Mattsson.
Meeting Minutes;
Motion to approve May Meeting Minutes by Ingrid Mattsson. Second by Sheila Laughton. Minutes accepted.
Update / discussion on Covid-19 topics related to our church;
There are no changes to report with regards to use of the building and worship space. It’s possible this could last until near the end of the year.
A Listen to the Spirit focus group was convened by the joint leadership of St Anne’s and Spirit of Hope. The focus of the group of 12 is “How are we being church in the current environment”. The group was tasked to come to the next meeting with prayerful input. We will be looking for more updates in the coming months.
2020/2021 Budget;
CSL members spent time reviewing the budget proposal presented earlier in the week by the finance team. Mush discussion and decisions were made for minor adjustments to the proposal. The CSL plans to formally adopt an adjust proposal at the July meeting.
Website Help;
Ingrid is the lead on this project. A contract has been formalized with the Right Staff agency to provide technical help to update our website. We expect this to be a one-time cost with follow-on website maintenance. Tom will explore options to get an easy to use icon for electronic giving. Vanco, Paypal, or a Venmo account.
Church Calendar;
The online calendar will continue to be updated with both activities and worship schedule. Bishop Marty also shared that he is exploring how to incorporate Eucharist into our video church services.
MAT Update;
Ingrid and Joyce reviewed plans for MAT social happenings. June 19th will be a Zoom Pizza night from 6:30 to 7:30. July 18th will be Zoom Bingo from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Prizes will be $5 DQ gift cards. Approval was granted to reimburse Joyce for $75 worth of gift cards. A “Fun Hat” Zoom gathering is planned for August. No firm date at this time. There is an on-going food collection that Joyce is organizing for the June -August. Donations of food items can be dropped off at the church parking lot. More details will be sent out via the newsletter.
Annual Meeting;
The date is set for Saturday October 17th from 5:30-6:30 PM following our Zoom church service. If we are having mass in person at the church then we will have a fall BBQ dinner.
CARE / Checkers Team
Colleen is the point person for this project and here is an update from her for the CSL.
People willing to deliver things or take people to appointments; Katie and Christian Swor, Jim Sevlie, Ellie Swenson
People doing calls and checking in; Deb Kammerer, Guy Jones, Marty Shanahan, Mark Vanden Heuvel, Mary Nelson, Sheila Laughton, Ellie Swenson, Colleen Woodley
The plan is to reach out and stay in touch with all of our members and members at large. To my knowledge we have reached out to most of the people listed, either by phone, email or online. Some people were not available and in those cases I know that messages were left in voicemails. We have not had any requests for physical assistance, pick-ups or rides as of yet. It seems that most of our folks are fairly well situated in that regard.
One thing that I see as both an asset and a possible problem is that when we see folks online during our time in liturgy and conversation, it may act as a contact with the person. While we are staying in contact, if those people have a particular need that they don’t care to discuss publicly, we may be missing the opportunity to help.
Meeting Schedule;
Next CSL meeting will be held by ZOOM on Thursday July 16th at 6:30PM.
Prayers for next meeting;
Tom agreed to conduct the opening prayer and Sheila the closing prayer for our July meeting.
New Business;
Tom brought a motion to release funds for Bishop Marty and Rev Colleen to purchase new computers to aid in better quality of our on-line worship services. Dave second the motion and after a brief discussion the Motion was approved.
Closing Prayer;
Bishop Marty led the group in closing prayer and meeting adjourned at 8:17 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 5-21-2020
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson, Tom King and Joyce St. John
6:43 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Dave Erkens.
Meeting Minutes;
Motion to approve April Meeting Minutes with two minor changes by Joyce St John. Second by Ingrid Mattsson. Minutes accepted.
Update / discussion on Covid-19 topics related to our church;
Rev Marty, Dave and Ingrid continue to meet with St Anne’s leadership by video and phone. The focus of the weekly meetings has shifted away from planning a date for in-person worship to searching for ways to improve what our church should be right now and in the near future. Looking back at what we were is not a prudent approach any longer. We need to dream about the present and how we can be church now.
CSL members spent time reviewing the results of the survey we participated in. Two ideas surfaced that the CSL will explore; getting music taped to possibly add to our online services and use the “Chat” function during the Zoom services to get immediate input for prayer requests. Also, the decision was made to create a shortened version of the survey and send it out to the community to get input from as many members as we can. Marty will write the survey questions and solicit CSL input before it is released to the church members.
The CSL will ask Colleen to reach out to some members who have not been participating and check if there is any additional need the leadership can provide.
Membership Database;
We are exploring ways to formalize communication databases so as to find best ways to disseminate information. One immediate tool to increase the list for weekly newsletter distribution is to us the “subscribe” icon function on the newsletter email. Marty was able to get this functioning, so now if the newsletter is forwarded to someone, that person can subscribe and that database will be automatically updated.
Website Assistance;
Discussion continued on cost and needed assistance for website reconstruction. This will be a high priority for the June meeting and we will have more info for determining any budget constraints. We all agreed we want and need the weekly newsletter available on the website.
CSL Confidentiality Policy;
Minor, but important changes were agreed to for the confidentiality policy agreement and all CSL members will sign a new agreement to replace the outdated form.
MAT Update;
Ingrid gave an update for MAT planning. The team is considering online bingo, a Zoom pizza gathering and Zoom Rosary. More info to come in the next month
Meeting Schedule;
Next CSL meeting will be held by ZOOM on Thursday June 18th at 6:45PM.
Prayers for next meeting;
Ingrid agreed to conduct the opening prayer and Rev Marty the closing prayer for out June meeting.
Closing Prayer;
Tom led the group in closing prayer and meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 4-16-2020
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson, Tom King and Joyce St. John
6:35 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Rev. Marty Shanahan.
March Minutes;
Motion to approve March Meeting Minutes by Ingrid Mattsson. Second by Sheila Laughton. Minutes accepted.
Team Check-in;
Everyone reported that they, and their families are navigating the Covid-19 Pandemic OK. No serious issues were reported.
Update / discussion on Covid-19 topics related to our church;
Rev Marty, Dave and Ingrid continue to meet with St Anne’s leadership by video and phone. The Building closure by the Episcopal Church has been extended until May 30th. It may be possible to open the church sooner and St Anne’s will advise us of any changes. Office and administrative work in the church office can continue.
The new Episcopal Bishop is set to take over on June 9, 2020. The CSL team has no history with him. St Anne’s leadership expressed gratitude toward us complying with our lease and increasing our rent payment on April 1, 2020.
Review of Holy week video services;
Feedback received by several CSL members was reported as very positive. We will continue to work toward posting video services and hopefully, workload permitting, continue with live Zoom worship services.
Rev Marty sent out an electronic newsletter and very few received it. We will explore what went wrong and attempt to fix this issue for future electronic newsletters.
Virtual meetings and video uploads;
This discussion was accomplished in conjunction with the review of the Holy Week services. To help Colleen get the Thursday worship going smoother we will explore getting her the church laptop from office.
Website Assistance;
Rev Marty will finalize a contract with The Right Staff employment agency to secure help with our website. We need to improve the design and functionality first and then we have volunteers that will help improve the content. Hopefully we will have more to report at the next meeting.
Brand Architecture;
We had plans in place to introduce this to our church community but that has been postponed due to Covid-19. If our in person meetings gets pushed out very much longer we will explore the possibility of a Zoom “Town Hall” meeting to bring our community at large up to date with the newly adopted purpose, vision and mission.
New Business;
Tom and Mark explored the possibility of applying for grant money from the CARE act that was signed to law earlier this month. Only our rent would be eligible for help and it was determined that there was too much administrative work involved to justify trying to get federal or state funds to help us during this time.
Sheila mentioned that Colleen and the Circle for Care have been reaching out to members of our community to see if anyone needs financial assistance. We have Cub gift cards immediately available and our “Those in need” fund currently has $12,478 for this purpose. The CSL is encouraging the Circle for Care to be aggressive at promoting these funds to anyone who is in need.
MAT Update;
Ingrid gave a brief update of the March MAT meeting. The team had many great ideas for social gatherings that are ready to go, but are on hold until it is safe to have larger gatherings.
Meeting Schedule;
Next CSL meeting will be held by ZOOM on Thursday May 21st at 6:30PM.
Closing Prayer;
Tom led the group in closing prayer and meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King
Spirit of Hope CSL Meeting Minutes. 3-20-2020
In Attendance by remote video conference ZOOM: Rev. Marty Shanahan, Dave Erkens, Sheila Laughton, Ingrid Mattsson, Tom King, Joyce St. John
6:02 pm – Meeting opened with prayer led by Dave Erkens
February Minutes;
Motion to approve February Meeting Minutes by Tom King. Second by Ingrid Mattsson. Minutes accepted.
Update / discussion on Covid-19 topics related to our church.
Rev Marty, Dave and Ingrid continue to meet with St Anne’s leadership by video and phone. The Building has been closed by the Episcopal Church until May 10th. Gatherings of more than 10 people are forbidden and any meetings or gatherings of any size are discouraged. Office and administrative work in the church office can continue.
The group discussed options for possible worship activities during Holy week. Rev. Marty is open to and will welcome any and all suggestions. Talk centered on possible activities in the parking lot that would allow folks to social distance from their cars. The CSL and MAT will continue dialogue to attempt to put something together.
The group discussed a post card mailing to reach out to the community by another means. Many ideas were discussed. No decision was reached but remote discussions / ideas will be continue to decide if the time is right and the logistics of accomplishing a mailing. The MAT will also be brought into the discussion.
Confidentiality, Conflict of interest and Member information forms.
Required yearly forms for CSL members have been distributed by email. Each member will sign them and mail to Tom King. Once all forms are received Tom will bring these all to the church office for storage.
Formal adoption of Brand Architecture.
Motion to accept by Tom King, Second by Joyce St. John
CSL voted unanimously to adopt a new “Brand Architecture” that was presented at the February meeting and shared with Tom and Joyce by email. This package of strategic initiatives will be used as a blue print as we move forward to execute a 5 year plan.
Important Topics.
Discussion on continuing to pay obligations during the Covid-19 took place. CSL decided unanimously to authorize the finance team to continue to pay our rent, pastoral team and music leader during this time. Finance team will report back to the group on status of this on a continuing basis.
Meeting Schedule.
Next CSL meeting will be held by ZOOM on Thursday April 16th at 6:30PM
Closing Prayer.
Rev. Marty led the group in closing prayer and meeting adjourned at 6:49PM
Respectfully submitted,
Tom King