The Cultural World of Jesus-Sunday by Sunday-Cycle A, John J. Pilch, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN
ISBN 0-8146-2286-0 (cycle A)
*Excellent resource for the Sunday gospels. Concise historical/cultural analysis of the world of the time of
Jesus. Extremely insightful, easy to read and understand.
Spirituality/Spiritual Growth:
God Has A Dream: A Vision of Hope for Our Time, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Doubleday 2004
ISBN 0-385-47784-8
*An inspiring and challenging book filled with wisdom, insight and profound thought.
In Search of Belief (revised edition), Sr. Joan Chittister, Liguori/Triumph, Liguori, Missouri 2006
ISBN-10: 0-7648-1484-2
*Extremely insightful re visitation of the Creed. A most excellent line by line contemplation of the meaning,
depth and wisdom of what we profess as a Christian people.